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ADI 2020: The global burden of dementia - a roundtable update on incidence, prevalence and cost
ADI 2022: The global burden of the disease of dementia why accurate country level data matters
ADI 2020: Plenary 1 - Dementia: why we all need to do more
ADI 2020: Plenary 3 - The science of dementia risk reduction
ADI 2022: 10/66 Dementia Research Group roundtable
What are the global challenges of dementia?
Worldwide Dementia Patients Set to Triple by 2050, Study Says
Established and Emerging Modifiable Risk Factors for Dementia in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Technology & National Dementia Plans: Lessons from the Korean experience
ADI CEO Paola Barbarino at the WHO 142nd Executive Board in Geneva
Dementia Forum X | A summary by Mrs. Paola Barbarino
World Alzheimer's Month 2022: A message from ADI CEO Paola Barbarino (Spanish)